Saturday, November 8, 2008

At Last!

In my first post, I talked about learning how to reach out to new people effectively. Looking back at the past 12 weeks of this module, I feel that I have applied this skill relatively well, making many new friends. I feel that I’ve learnt more than what I had expected. Effective communication is more than just verbal communication and interpersonal interactions as I had thought before taking this module. The non-verbals and writings are equally important.

All these blog entries, writings, presentation and interactions had definitely equipped me with the relevant skills to prepare me for the future. The 7Cs and non-verbal communications will be useful in both writings and speech. Not only so, the part on resume, cover letter and job interview had gave me a greater insight and understanding on how to gain myself an advantage when seeking for a job in future. It had also reviewed the reasons for my past interview failure of job interviews.

I had really enjoyed this module, and would like to extend my gratitude to each and every of us and Brad, for making this class so fun and enjoyable. I really have to say that this 1009 bid points is worth it. Thank you, everyone!